This article is about the recent Terror shootings just a few days ago in France. London's French ambassador claims on the BBC, she also describes this tragedy as France's version of 9/11. This article also adds that the Ambassador wept after hearing her anthem, they may have added this in for multiple reasons, one is to shock the person and make them feel sympathetic with what happened, and also to show the impact of the tragedy, which is important to add, as claiming this as an act of war would normally be a drastic statement, and often assumed that when one says this, they are actively seeking war to happen, though this is countered by the fact that she shows genuine remorse and sadness to what happened.
Seeing as the daily mail is a British news paper, it is clear that they would show the tragedy and the impact of the Shooting, and would want you to sympathize with the Ambassador. The author of this article is a Political correspondent of the Daily mail's, which is relevant due to this being a very political concern.
This article interests me due to the fact that this is the aspect they focus on, it's not exactly a topic that a right wing paper like the Daily mail would focus on, but they feel it's needed to be shown anyway, which shows how impacting this tragedy was.
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