Sunday, 8 November 2015

Controversial advert by Protein world 'Are you Beach Body ready?'

This was a Billboard ad created by Protein world to promote their 'weight loss' products, it used the slogan "Are you beach Body ready?" and showed slim woman in a bikini accompanying the slogan. The Controversy surrounding this during the time that this advert was shown on Billboards was that people felt like the Advertisement was Body shaming women who were not slim, and that they were specifically targeting these sorts of people to make them feel inferior and that they could not show themselves during the summer, which this advertisement was made, hence causing them to buy their products. A large amount of people wanted this advertisement removed, a petition was removed to do just this. Protein world and their advertisement campaign were soon investigated, and the advertisement was removed, under the guide lines that it could not appear in the form that it had taken. On top of that there was some minor controversy that Protein world could have been falsely advertising their product, and did not really cause weight loss.

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