Censorship is the act of removing, or blocking out certain information, this act is seen all across the Media and mainly in the news, the way Censorship is used in the Media does not follow a strict guideline nor does it have to heed to any rules, and is often a controversial topic of interest brought up, there are arguments on both sides to claim whether it is thing that should be kept in place, or if Censorship should be out ruled from practises done by the Media completely.
People believe that the Media should have Censorship for a couple of issues found in the Media, particularly when a separate controversial or sensitive issue can arise in the Media, people believe that the suppression of such information can avoid harm to certain people, as people may respond to certain information in a certain way, such as if a person of a specific ethnicity commits murder against someone of another ethnicity, it may bring cause major outrage against the whole community of that ethnicity, and could cause future problems and incidents, making it best to with hold that sort of information, this is also done for specific people, where their name and appearances are removed from the article, as to avoid them to be attacked by those who have responded badly to the news. The opposite side of the argument states how Censorship now in it's current form can be abused to however a news outlet wishes, they can suppress certain information to do with a news story so it looks like one that spreads a certain message that they can agree with, as many News outlets have a left or right wing Bias, Censorship can be used as a ways to promote that Bias. Censorship is also seen as a tool abused by governments to make themselves seem better, if they are doing something they know people won't agree with, a good example of this is during the Vietnam war, America had tried to withhold the information about how they were locked into this war, and tried to ignore certain atrocities that happened. In some countries the abuse of Censorship is so bad that it has gone into extreme propaganda, in places such as North Korea.
The ones who are really controlling what is censored or not are those who are controlling the news stations, and in some cases, it's just one person, as an example many news outlets around the world are in control of Rupert Murdoch, he is just one person with one opinion, and if there is something he does not agree with showing because it goes against what he thinks, he could just not distribute that information. The governments are a main body that can influence Censorship in their country, and as shown before, will do it if they need people on their side and they are doing something they know people won't agree with.
I do not believe Censorship should exist in any form in the Media, the fact that it's allowed already leads to it being abused more than it could be used correctly, and I believe it should be a part of a News outlet's job to present news fully and correctly, no matter how much it goes against what they think, and the costs of Censorship existing are greater than the benefits it presents.
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