Sunday, 26 June 2016

Brexit is a rejection of globalisation (How to save the world) This article by the Guardian is about Brexit, this long article talks about the cause and what effect Brexit will have in the future. One aspect of this article that I was particularly interested in were the parts where it noted the failures of the EU, they talk about since its creation that the promises that the EU had made have not been met, giving examples of Italy's economy not improving since the EU began, it also talks about the economically unstable and poorer parts of the UK having the most 'leave' vote, which implies the low standard of living and lack of improvements that people see have caused people to choose this vote, in particular this interesting because the Guardian being a left wing newspaper, it'd be against the idea of leaving, and while the title of the article suggests this, this is not the case with the content involving why the leave vote won, suggesting that the leave vote was justified. In the beginning of the article they talk about the idea of globalization, and how it started back when the Berlin wall was torn down, I believe that this idea of globalization that the articles goes on about is the best way that the world can be saved, the world as one close unit is stronger than the world as separated countries who fight between each other with their own interests in mind, while the idea of the world acting as one single unit it almost impossible in its current state, I believe it should be an end goal every country should try and meet, obviously, Brexit goes against this motion, which is why it can be seen as a problem. The Berlin wall is also a symbol of this unification of the world, as it represented the far sides of Europe, other examples of the world being unified can be seen throughout history, through allied systems, the league of nations, the UN, and the EU, Brexit is a step back from this idea.


  1. A good perspective of this news story, you've included your own opinion and stance of this story which shows that you can respond to the text well and analyse its meaning. You also looked at connotation of the stories elements, such as what the Berlin Wall represents. This is a good approach and you should continue to do this across other news stories.

    Perhaps look at the articles wording, in order to determine the writer's stance, this will give you a more well rounded analysis by looking at all sides. However overall a great piece.

  2. Very good weekly news. It is very good that you included the link to the article as this allows the readers to gain any more information that they may want by themselves. Also, it is very good that you mentioned the fact that the article was written by a left winged paper and what effect this has on the way the story is told. Furthermore, I really like how you included your own opinion on the topic as well as, the reason you have chosen to write about it.
    In order to further improve your post, try to include some pictures that relate to the topic in order to make it more appealing/ eye catching to the reader.

  3. This is a good story as you added your own opinion, by including your opinion it shows that you have understood the news story you picked.
    However to improve you can change your structure by adding paragraphs so that your points are clear.
    On the whole a very detailed post!
