Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Gogglebox and its audience

Gogglebox is a tv show that has been airing since 2013, it is a reality TV show with the focus on the reactions of people watching television. Gogglebox uses a fairly wide audience as there are different ways that the show tells you that their different characters are from varying classes and ways of life. In the beginning of introducing certain characters at the start of an episode the characters will typically speak over a tracking shot of their house, the type of house can easily tell you their current money situation. Along with other factors such as their clothes. Gogglebox seems to want to represent as many different types of people as possible other than class. Such as gay people, people of different race, and also varying structures of families from single parents to just siblings. Rarely is there a absolutely stereotypical nuclear family.

The types of shows that they have their characters react to for the most part do not elicit any particularly interesting responses. Using shows such as the Great British Bake off creates responses that go as far as overreacting about a "Double hand shake". The only interesting moments of the show I believe the show has are when they present something controversial and actually interesting on television, or just the news. This way they can talk about the topic and give their own opinions, this is more interesting to see because with their diverse cast, it's almost as if they are showing off Britain's opinion on a certain topic or current event. This element was very scarce in the episode that I had watched, and only happened two times concerning two news stories, one of which was about the topic of religion and homosexuality, which has been something the country has talked about for a while. Without these actually interesting topics, I personally do not see a point for this show to exist, as they are reacting at something I'd either prefer to do myself or not care enough to watch.

The intent of including less of these serious topics could be a more malicious reason involving people wanting to actually make fun of the people on goggle box, in particular the people of low class, people of higher class could look at their situations and take a high ground and mock them.

In conclusion Gogglebox has a potential to be a very interesting show but ruins it by focusing on the wrong shows

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