Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Coursework proposal

Previous Coursework: A DVD cover and a Theatrical Film Poster both about a thriller film

This year's coursework: This coursework will be again print work of a magazine spread, two pages and a front magazine cover. The magazine itself will be based on video game magazines and the focus of both the front cover and magazine spread is going to be based around a made up video game, with both using art created and based on this Video game. with art of the main character on the front cover, and a background behind the text will display different elements of the game such as characters and locations within the game.

The Magazine spread's contents will be about an interview with the story writer of a game, where they will be talking about the story of the Game they made, and how it is an important part of the game itself

The mock video game will be a dark fantasy action game where the player lives in a world with different factions and ideals, where the player can choose to align with their armies, the interview within the magazine spread will be about how this story is a part of the game mechanics and why it's important to the gameplay and story.

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