Monday, 25 April 2016

Media advertisement analysis (unfinished)

1: Visual/genre/Narrative codes for Virgin Atlantic's let it fly advertisement: This advertisement starts off with the main character who constantly appears throughout the advertisement writing down something simple, you do not see this person's face at any point within the advertisement, and the Narrator constantly refers to his actions as 'yours' this is to make this faceless, speechless character, with an unnamed idea to be a fit in replacement for the viewer, the advertisement is trying to inspire you to do something with an 'idea' which is something everyone must have. We see a spark after the character has finished writing,a spark flares, this perhaps connotes the character's ideas as their small piece of paper transforms into a large, smart book with the words "Game changing business plan" this is to perhaps tell you of the worth of your idea, as the stand in character. We then see imagery of the Statue of Lincoln, for an American this has a lot of connotations, as he was a president that made a lot of changes in the world such as abolishing Slavery, the advertisement is likely to be trying to give inspiration for such an important American President like Lincoln. We then see the curtains open onto the inside of a small plane, that clearly does not look official and is not a proper space for travel, the Narrator then dismisses it and the curtains open to the Virgin plane, in the interior of this plane we see many aspects that connote wealth and luxury such as people opening up your car, high class looking drinks, and the large, pristine room that is shown, all this is meant to associate with Virgin atlantic, as you primarily see the colour of red, the colour Virgin atlantic uses. We see imagery of boxing matches, such as the bell sitting outside of a boxing ring being rang the moment before the interview shots are shown, comparing telling your idea to other people to a fight is probably reflective of how people feel about doing it, in that they find it very difficulty, the advertisement also plays on this fear of telling your idea as they show tigers at a table until they are replaced with people at a table, the advertisement continues the idea of inspiration and ups the importance of your idea by replacing the interview with a speech in front of what appears to be different country representatives, this is to tell the viewer the worth of their idea, as it shows it was able to impress the audience in just four minutes. The advertisement associates succeeding with the pitch with hitting a ball with a bat, something most people get happy once succeeding. At the end of the advertisement we see the same shot of the person writing the idea on the piece of paper, to tell you where all the positive outcomes the advertisement showed came from. The narrator was a the main guide of the advertisement, and told you exactly what was happening throughout the advertisement, this was perhaps done to make you feel like this is exactly what will happen to make this 'idea' be told. 2: Visual/Genre/Narrative codes for